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Mon, 21 Jan 2008

Online banking (2)

So far, so good. aqhbci-tool works fine - but I can't enter what I believe is myPIN: it's too long. However, this might not be my PIN at all; if it isn't, I'm afraid I just don't know my PIN. Anyway it seems I have added a PIN/TAN medium, which isn't what I normally use, but with my key file I'm getting nowhere. No idea how to tell aqhbci-tool to use this file.

Helpful websites:

Konsolenbasiertes Online Banking mit Linux

AqBanking/aqhbci-tool - LinuxWiki.org (most of which is identical to the above website)

AqBanking - LinuxWiki.org

FinTS (provides HBCI details of your bank)

Posted on 21 Jan 2008 at 14:53 in /technology/internet. -- Permalink

Online banking: GnuCash

I'm trying to get GnuCash to work with my bank account, which I can access via HBCI. Installing GnuCash the "normal", Synaptic way didn't get me there. Downloading and compiling the gwenhwyfar (great name, isn't it!), ktoblzcheck (great in a different way!) and aqbanking libraries myself seems to work better.

Posted on 21 Jan 2008 at 14:14 in /technology/internet. -- Permalink


Cleaning out my newsreader this morning, but not in the usual hectic way: I'm actually taking my time to read story after story. Donald, sleeping on my slippers under the breakfast table, thinks that's OK. Only, my feet are getting cold.

Posted on 21 Jan 2008 at 11:27 in /life. -- Permalink

Survived an attack

I'm sometimes running Snort just for fun. Today, it recorded an attempted maclicious intrusion into my network. The "just for fun" times are over! Ignorance is bliss? I don't think so. From now on, Snort will run all the time.

01/20-20:48:09.670188 [*] [1:2329:6] MS-SQL probe response overflow attempt [*] [Classification: Attempted User Privilege Gain] [Priority: 1] {UDP} ->
01/20-20:48:31.097220 [*] [1:2329:6] MS-SQL probe response overflow attempt [*] [Classification: Attempted User Privilege Gain] [Priority: 1] {UDP} ->
01/20-20:48:33.606816 [*] [1:2329:6] MS-SQL probe response overflow attempt [*] [Classification: Attempted User Privilege Gain] [Priority: 1] {UDP} ->
01/20-20:48:37.844447 [*] [1:2329:6] MS-SQL probe response overflow attempt [*] [Classification: Attempted User Privilege Gain] [Priority: 1] {UDP} ->
01/20-20:48:46.226764 [*] [1:2329:6] MS-SQL probe response overflow attempt [*] [Classification: Attempted User Privilege Gain] [Priority: 1] {UDP} ->
01/20-20:48:48.389560 [*] [1:2329:6] MS-SQL probe response overflow attempt [*] [Classification: Attempted User Privilege Gain] [Priority: 1] {UDP} ->

Posted on 21 Jan 2008 at 00:02 in /technology/internet. -- Permalink

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